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Feeling the early morning sun on your face

Seeing the beautiful clouds in the sky

Hearing the song of birds or crash of the ocean

Feeling the warmth of your tea cup on a cold morning

Seeing the steam softly spiral and twist upwards

Tasting, smelling the toast the tea, the fruit


Sounds clichéd? Yes!


AND it works! Any moment, even a split second that we can be with these sensations builds a reservoir of support, grounding and energy to help us be with life’s challenges and choose our response. (Current neuroscience research confirms this) – what yoga practitioners have known for thousands of years. The practice is also a part of Buddhist tradition and in certain forms of Christian contemplation, living prayerfully with gratitude are similar.


Mindfulness research has demonstrated that it can improve or help manage conditions such as

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • OCD


Mindful practice can create the space for you to think before you shout back at your teenage son, or say something hurtful to your partner. I work with you gently bringing you back to the here and now, to notice your breath, to feel your body, the support of the chair or ground beneath you. Learning to feel self-support and then focus on your challenges is profoundly empowering


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